Payday 2 horrors

One day I got on my favorite game Payay 2. I wanted to hit level V-100 (the highest) today. I was already a V-99 so it wasn't that far off. When I opened the game the opening cinematic that usual plays was different. It showed hyper realistic images of civs. The civs were covered in hyper realistic blood. I thought it mustve been my hyper realistic mode i have so i shrugged it off. When the main menu popped up I was shocked. Instead of morgan freeman i got NICHOLAS CAGE!!!! he was in a bear costume. I remember that one from wicker man. My friends all dumped gasoline and lit themselves on fire after seeing it. i screamed at him and asked why he was here. He said Morgan had been beary bad. I didnt care anymore. I decided to continue on. when I went to host a game all of the heists said sanic boom or sanic.exe or 666 if your play this youll get possessed. I chose the one called DLCXVI. After i started i got people in my game immeiatly. there names were satan, sanic.exe.exe and slender bender. I started the game and sw that there levels were 6-66. I ignored this though and pressed on. After everyone was ready that heist started. I the heist and when i spawned i saw morgan freemans corpse dripping with hyper realistic blood and semen. NO i screamed. Then i looked behind and nic cage was standing there. Nick told me that i had to play through the heist and submit my soul to satan or have to watch the wicker man 3 TIMES IN A ROW!!! I coninuted to play. I went into the bank called satans whorehouse and told everyone to get the fuck down. They didnt and when i punched one of them they all had a hyper realstic scream and started dripping hyper realistic blood. I didnt care though i rush the vault which was open and i saw thwhat was in it. It was SONIC 06!!!!!! I grabbed it and ran back to the van. But when i got there one of the players sanic.exe.exe shot me. I fell down and started dripping hyper realistic blood. Then they screan changed and I sw the payout i went past 100 and i went up to 666. Then mycomputer hyper realisticly shut down and i was hyper realisticly possesed. I then took my copy of wickerman that i kepp near me for such things and i impale myself with it. I saw hyper realistic blood come out of my chest. and I died.
The end